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Forests are inhabited by about 60% of all 618 species of vertebrate living in Poland. Development of civilization has upset the ancient equilibrium and rules that govern forest ecosystems, which also affects the life of forest animals. This is why their number, welfare and activities aimed at preventing damage caused by animals are regulated by Polish and EU law.

Forests of Szprotawa Forest District are inhabited by many animals – mammals and birds. The most important big game species living in the forests are Deer, Roe Deer and Wild Boar. In recent years observations made by local foresters suggest that there are about 400 Deer, 2050 Roe Deer and 900 Wild Boars in the Forest District. The group of large predators has been joined by wolves that live in the area of Lower Silesian Wilderness.

There are also 15 small game species, including 6 most common and numerous species. The most numerous species living within Szprotawa Forest District are Hare and Fox, but there are also Badgers, Martens, Raccoon Dogs, Polecats and Muskrats.

Deer is a typical representative of big game. By Mateusz Kozdęba

Szprotawa Forest District consists of 10 hunting circuits managed by 9 hunts. One hunting circuit is excluded from leasing and it is managed by the Forest District Inspectorate. It is used for the purposes of Animal Breeding Centre. All hunts and Animal Breeding Centre are responsible for the execution of hunting economy, protection of game and management of their resources.

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Jedno drzewo, jedno dziecko

Jedno drzewo, jedno dziecko

10 października 2019 roku w mieście Szprotawa przy powstałym niedawno „Skwerze Czytelników” miała miejsce akcja „Jedno dziecko, jedno drzewo”.

W akcji wspólnie z Nadleśnictwem Szprotawa uczestniczyli pracownicy Urzędu Miejskiego w Szprotawie oraz uczniowie V klasy Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 im. Janusza Korczaka.

W pierwszej edycji wydarzenia wzięło udział 20 uczniów, którzy posadzili 5 dębów szypułkowych – potomków „Chrobrego”, którym w najbliższym czasie zostaną nadane imiona. Na terenach zieleni miejskiej w najbliższym czasie zostanie posadzonych łącznie ponad 100 drzew.  


Tekst: Paweł Kowal

Zdjęcia: Tadeusz Śliwiński