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Organization of the Forest District

Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate is controlled by Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra, supervising forests managed by 20 Forest District Inspectorates. It consists of 2 Sub-districts which include 11 Forest Ranges, Nursery Farm and Animal Breeding Centre.

Szprotawa Forest District organization chart.

Forest District Inspector – manages, coordinates and supervises work of all employees of the Inspectorate, and reports to Director of Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra. Pursuant to Act on Forests the Inspector makes independent decisions on forest economy based on forest management plan and directly manages forests and lands. The Inspector also represents his Forest District Inspectorate.

Deputy Inspector – controls the production issues in his Forest District Inspectorate, manages forest economy department and work performed by Foresters. Cooperates closely with Supervision Engineer.

Supervision Engineer– performs functional control of execution with regards to tasks listed in forest management plan and annual economic plans. Controls fire protection zone and implementation of Occupational Health and Safety regulations.

Chief Accountant– responsible for finance and bookkeeping of the Forest District Inspectorate. Chief accountant is also responsible for internal control of financial and accounting documents and supervises work of finance and accounting department.

Manager– head of Administration and Economics Department, responsible for all issues connected with administration services rendered for the Forest District Inspectorate.

Forest Guard Station– a unit responsible for combating offences and crimes in the area of activities harmful for forests and protection of the State Treasury property.

Human Resources Officer – responsible for any issues connected with personnel of the Forest District Inspectorate.

System Administrator– Information Security Administrator responsible for security of the data within the information system.

Occupational Health and Safety Officer– responsible for coordination and supervision of implementation of regulations concerning work safety and hygiene in the Forest District Inspectorate.

Szprotawa Forest District includes 11 Forest Ranges.

Szprotawa Sub-district includes the following Forest Ranges: Szprotawka, Krzywczyce, Śliwnik and Leszno Górne.

Małomice Sub-district includes the following Forest Ranges: Jelenin, Nowe Miasteczko, Długie, Witków, Stara Kopernia, Zagóra and Małomice.

Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate also runs its own Nursery Farm and Animal Breeding Centre.

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Akcja w ochronie przeciwpożarowej lasu

Akcja w ochronie przeciwpożarowej lasu

Od 16.03.2022r. w Nadleśnictwie Szprotawa trwa bezpośrednia akcja w ochronie przeciwpożarowej lasu.

W związku z realizowaną akcją, lasy Nadleśnictwa Szprotawa w okresie zwiększonego zagrożenia pożarowego będą monitorowane z wież obserwacyjnych, a w terenie prowadzone będą regularne patrole.

Nadleśnictwo Szprotawa zaliczane jest do I kategorii zagrożenia pożarowego. Do najczęstszych przyczyn występowania pożarów na terenie Nadleśnictwa zalicza się: celowe podpalenia, nieostrożność ludzi oraz przerzuty z gruntów nieleśnych. Skutkuje to nie tylko stratami przyrodniczo – środowiskowymi, ale również materialnymi, w przypadku kiedy ogień dotrze do gospodarstw okolicznych miejscowości.

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Wszystkie przypadki pojawienia się ognia na terenach zarządzanych przez Nadleśnictwo Szprotawa, prosimy zgłaszać do Punktu Alarmowo – Dyspozycyjnego w Szprotawie:

tel.: +48 68 376 25 69 LUB +48 68 376 33 79 wew.126 (nr wew. można wybrać od razu po zgłoszeniu centrali)

tel. kom +48 792 554 333, 666 329 597


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