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Educational offer

Promoting environmental awareness among residents of the neighbouring areas, especially children and teenagers is an important element of strategy followed by Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate. Members of our staff organize meetings at schools and kindergartens, but also prepare stalls with educational materials for various open-air events.

Szprotawa Forest District is full of natural attractions that facilitate education about forest protection and management. Field classes are often held by foresters to present issues connected with local environment and show real, living examples.

Places often used for educational purposes are:

  • tourist infrastructure located in the vicinity of "Chrobry" Oak;

  •  "Szlak Popielicy" Educational Trail with blue and red walking trails that lead from "Buczyna Szprotawska" Nature Reserve to "Chrobry" Oak;

  • educational trail located within "Annabrzeskie Wąwozy" Nature Reserve.

Educational activities also include meetings with children held at schools and kindergartens, where educational programmes take form of games and competitions. It is noteworthy that Szprotawa Forest District includes 25 schools in 8 communes, each having ‘its own' forester responsible for educational activities.

Meetings with children and teenagers are aimed at raising their awareness of natural environment and promoting knowledge about forests.

Organization of educational meetings with children is an important element of promotional strategy followed by Szprotawa Forest District. By Jerzy Wilanowski

Educational institutions are welcome to make appointments for field trips guided by Forestry District staff by e-mail or phone:
+48 68 376 33 79.

All educational classes organized by foresters are FREE OF CHARGE.

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Jesienna wizyta

Jesienna wizyta

Pomimo jesiennej pogody, praca w lesie trwa. Uczniowie klas Ia i IId Szkoły Podstawowej nr. 1 im. Janusza Korczaka w Szprotawie mieli okazję poznać nieco pracę leśnika.

Pierwszym punktem programu była wizyta u najstarszego drzewa na terenie Nadleśnictwa – Dęba Chrobrego rosnącego w Piotrowicach. Tam uczniowie mogli usłyszeć historię tego sędziwego pomnika przyrody.

Następnie z Piotrowic udaliśmy się na Szkółkę Leśną w Krzywczycach. Podczas spaceru Ia i IId dowiedziała się skąd się biorą młode drzewka w lesie i jaka jest w tym rola leśnika.

Jakie to drzewo ? Niełatwo zgadnąć.

Po wizycie na szkółce, poszliśmy z młodzieżą na tegoroczną uprawę, aby pokazać różnice między szkółką a lasem.

Po nauce, czas na przyjemności –  pieczona kiełbaska smakowała każdemu.