
Szprotawa Forest District is located within 5th Silesian Forest Natural Area, in climatic region called the Land of Great Valleys. It is divided into two Sub-districts and 11 Forest Ranges. Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate runs its own nursery farm and Animal Breeding Centre.

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Krajobraz lasów naszego Nadleśnictwa.


Current area of Szprotawa Forest District was established by Director-General of the State Forests on 1st April, 1993. Earlier it had also included Żagań Sub-district (from 1976).

Organization of the Forest District

Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate is controlled by Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra, supervising forests managed by 20 Forest District Inspectorates. It consists of 2 Sub-districts which include 11 Forest Ranges, Nursery Farm and Animal Breeding Centre.


In 2014 Szprotawa Forest District completed a project entitled "Promotion of transboundary cooperation between Szprotaw Forest District Inspectorate and Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt". The project partner representing Saxony is Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt with a seat in Kamenz.

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Sale of wood

Sale of wood

Szprotawa Forest District Inspectorate sells timber, seeds, seedlings and Christmas trees (before Christmas). Timber is sold to retail customers based on terms and conditions of sale, at the office of Forest District Inspectorate and at offices of individual Forest Ranges.

Sale of timber

Timber sold includes 3 categories of thickness and the following tree species are sold: Pine, Larch, Spruce, Douglas Fir, Oak, Ash, Beech, Birch, Alder, Black Locust, Linden, Willow, Poplar, Aspen, Maple and Hornbeam.

Schedule of timber sale for individual Forest Ranges:

Addresses of individual forest ranges. 

Sale of seedlings

Seedlings are sold at the office of Forest District Inspectorate, at Forest Economy Department. Here we accept purchase orders for a specific number of seedlings and specify date of collecting the ordered seedlings from the nursery farm in Krzywczyce.

Our offer: https://sadzonki.zielonagora.lasy.gov.pl/

See price lists to learn about our prices.