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Forest cultivation

The most fundamental aim of forest cultivation is to preserve and enrich the existing forests (restocking) and to create new forests (forestation), with respect for natural conditions and processes. Forest cultivation includes collecting and keeping tree seeds, growing seedlings at nursery farms as well as starting, maintaining and protecting forest crops and tree stands.

In the period from 2001 to 2010 in Szprotawa Forest District nearly 1008 ha of forests were restocked in open fields and 276 ha of forests were restocked under cover of tree stands. Natural restocking delivered 26 ha of tree stands.

Soil cultivation and clearing

In the period from 2001 to 2010 total area of 1826.19 ha of land was cultivated in Szprotawa Forest District. In addition to this maintenance clearing known as "early clearing" (during cultivation) and "late clearing" (at the stage of young tree stand) was performed. Early clearing of newly started crops was performed in the area of over 1552 ha, and late clearing in the area of over 1571 ha. Forest Management Plan for the years 2011-2020 assumes performance of tasks at similar scale.

Nursery farm

Szprotawa Forest District includes a nursery farm with the area of 9.71 ha, where seedlings of about 20 species of trees and bushes are grown. Most of them are tree species of industrial importance, such as: Pine, Oak, Beech, Larch and Black Alder.

In Szprotawa Forest District the main source of seeds used for growing of seedlings are managed stands. According to data as of beginning of 2013 the stands cover the area of 192.64 ha. Seed production base consists of pine and oak stands.

On average the base supplies 1.2 million seedlings and cultivation is performed to meet own needs of the Forest District as well as the needs of local communities with the aim of forestation of former agricultural lands as part of the National Programme for Forestation of the Country.

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„Chrobry” - lato 2018

„Chrobry” - lato 2018

Utrzymująca się od dwóch miesięcy susza nadwyrężyła niestety i tak bardzo osłabioną po pożarze kondycję dębu „Chrobry”.

Wiosną bieżącego roku ulistnienie drzewa, podobnie jak w latach ubiegłych rozwinęło się prawidłowo na 3 konarach. Niestety długotrwały brak opadów spowodował, iż ulistnienie na dzień dzisiejszy zachowało się jedynie na jednym konarze głównym oraz jednym konarze w dolnej części pnia. Rozwinięte młode liście na pozostałej części, dotąd żywych konarów obumarły i zamieniły barwę na brązową. 

Duże znaczenie dla drzewa tak słabego pod kątem fizjologicznym będzie miała pogoda w najbliższych daniach. Szybka utrata liści na części konarów nie jest niestety dobrym prognostykiem w kontekście najbliższej przyszłości „Chrobrego”

Tekst i zdjęcia: Tomasz Śmigielski