Universal material

W erze szkła, aluminium i krzemu można by odnieść wrażenie, że drewno jest passé. Nic bardziej mylnego! Gdziekolwiek się znajdziemy, na pewno wokół nas będzie wiele przedmiotów, które nie powstałyby bez użycia drewna.

Where does your wood come from

Zaspokojenie naszego zapotrzebowania na drewno i zapewnienie trwałości lasów nie są sprzecznymi interesami. Drewno w Polsce jest naturalnym bogactwem, które jest całkowicie odnawialne.

Sale regulations

Sale conditions of wood are specified by the regulation of Director – General of the Sate Forests.

Polish best-seller

Polish products made of wood – furniture, window and door frames, yachts or paper and packages – these are real hits of the market.

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Natural monuments

Natural monuments

Natural monuments are usually single specimen of animated and inanimate nature. The most common natural monuments to be found in forests are the oldest and largest trees. In 2012 there were almost 11 000 natural monuments in Poland, including 8500 trees.

There are 22 natural monuments within the territory of Szprotawa Forest District.

"Chrobry" Oak is the most impressive natural monument in this area. It has been protected since 1966. It is the oldest specimen of this species in Poland and its estimated age is 750 years. The tree grows in the vicinity of "Buczyna Szprotawska" Nature Reserve, close to the village of Piotrowice. It is noteworthy that its acorns were blessed by Pope John Paul II during pilgrimage of foresters to Vatican in 2004. 500 seedlings produced from these acorns at nursery farm in Rudy Raciborskie were planted all over Poland as so-called "Pope's Oaks" to commemorate the Polish Pope.

Chrobry Oak – facts and titbits.